
The Calgary Flames are down 2-0 in the playoffs. Here in Calgary this is enough to cast a noticable pall on the city.
But its just a game... Yes those faithful readers know I am a Toronto Maple leaf fan but still its just a game..
We collectively are being too serious
The journey is to be enjoyed and I for one am all in favour of being less serious
"We shall never know all the good a simple smile can do."
Mother Teresa
Spring is in the Air

I know... its been a long time since I posted.. So much has happened and yet the important things carry on.
This past weekend I went skiing for the first time all year. What could have been more important these last three months of winter than to experience life on the ski hill -where the scenery buoys you, the cold air refreshes you and that wipe out that you recover from reminds you that there is a lot of living yet .
I aways think that when you drive home from skiing that there ought to have been at least one moment that you were scared or that you thought..why the hell did I come down here. I always want that twinge of fear. I don't always want pain..or the "where did my ski go"
Its all about living.. enjoying life.. I have been committing myself to exercise, driving to do less work for work. Yes...I turned 50... it has been cathartic. Getting ready for the next half century- what do I need to enjoy as much of it as possible... health, money, friends.
so that's the plan