Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Ah the Mysterious mountain...How was it formed? long ago?..shrouded in clouds- what secrets does it hold... ? Prabably none-- it is part of a big ski resort in Banff but it makes you wonder

I went skiing yesterday. Today my legs hurt, its two advil to move and my face is burning. This is the evidence of a great ski day. It snowed lightly all day. At the top you could barely see and the snow was whipped against your face. The "why am I here" type stinging... then as you descended the wind slowed and the light snow turned to pleasure as you float over it. You could ski, double black..the snow made it easy... I was temepted to go to the delerium dive...way way beyond my ability but you couldn't see at all up there and if I am going to risk life and limb I want pictures to remember it by... to say nothing of skiing off a cliff kind of thing.

Skiing to me is the best when you are on the edge... scared..but exilerated ...tired yet happy. I fell three times and got face whipped by a tree but they were just part of the fun...

I had been tempted to write about Easter and faith today but maybe I am still basking in the glory of God and the ski hill


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