Thursday, September 07, 2006

Weighty problems........

I haven't exercised in three days. Why has this happened? I have kind of given up going to the gym. I will walk or ride my bike or play basketball in the driveway but I have to do something.

I know I am a much better person if I have sweated today. I know i feel better. Two days and I feel fluffy..

As regular readers have read my blog and know that I am fat and Forty seven so fluffy is kind of like "regular readers" only a shade of the truth.

I could rail against work and how I had no time the last two days but this as we all know is just whining-- its not reality.. I could be walking right now.. or jogging...I just don't have that exercise fever. its like procrastinating on taking medicine that you know will help you in spite of moaning and complaining of how it hurts. I need someone to call me for a game of tennis... or a bike ride..or a game of football...I need that little kickstart. Yes..I would play badminton... anything..

tomorrow is a crazy day at work but even on crazy days when I have the fever I take my lunch break and go to Stanley park and walk for a half an hour... when I am feeling my oats I run up the river bank to the top to show that I am still 15 years old.. I need to quit talking about it and rally what semblance I have of energy and attack something..

Body and soul..I need it...


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