Monday, July 24, 2006

Cheering for Israel

It all seems so easy. Israel gives up land for peace. They take their citizens from the disputed towns by force and make them move so that a peace can be made with Palestine and Lebanon.
But there is no peace and and violence continues. So what choice do they have? "they" asked for it now...stealing two soldiers.

It is easy. We are predisposed to cheering for Israel as they have always been the underdog. A nation in the middle of enemies . We in the west have always been more comfortable with Isaac than with Ishmael. Hezbollah sounds like an evil group.

But its not that easy is it? In the first few days of bombing a Canadian family of 6 was killed by and Israeli bomb that flattened the building they were in. is true they were visiting relatives probably Hezbollah sympathizers. maybe.. I saw the essence of their affection and she looked like a very ancient grandmother overcome with grief .

There were over 11000 Canadians visiting relatives in the country albeit many with dual nationalities. All of the Lebanese people I know in Canada do not have an angry bone in their body. Arab or Christian they seem to be regular people with a strong sense of family, work ethic and moral standards. I would imagine that most of the people who have suffered in either Israel or Lebanon have little to do with the political or terrorist process.

It makes me feel a little guilty being so remote from the evil things in the world. Where the only real concern is the kids who have the wild party next door or the rattle in the wheel bearing on my truck.

The average person pays the price for poverty, violence, and political opportunism and it seems like it has always been so. They lose their power or their water or their loved ones or they can't go to work.

The answers are simple... eliminate poverty, have basic rule of law, have strong backlash against violence or carrying weapons, have a strong middle class, have basic fairness in government, have a strong education system

Its not easy or right or simple but it is disheartening. Kindness is our only hope.


At 8:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

and those answers, my friend, transcend from country to country. We are nothing if not the same people. Canadian, Lebanise, American, Iraqi...created from the same being...separated not by the Creator, but by each other.

At 4:54 PM, Blogger hockeyman said...

its jsut seems so depressing. Now some Canadian UN Peacekeeper was killed as he sat in his UN post by by an Isreali Missille..
I know it was fired at the UN in error- but still it burns me that mankind can go so far and still have so far to go


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