Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Mountain...

See the mountain in the middle ... this is my first mountain climb Ha Ling peak.. 6200 ft.... I climbed it looking for something... the adrenaline of accomplishment perhaps..maybe its because I lack material for this blog... but I went looking for something...I am not much of a hiker but I love the outdoors and I wanted something above the treeline where you could really stand on the summit.

yes I found it.. I found I was fat forty seven and out of shape... it took me 2.5 hours... the girl I met at the top who was a cross country skier in training was up in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Only the fact that I told people I was climbing today spurred me to finish.. I thought of all types of excuses but in the end I dogged it right to the top.

I found that no matter what anyone tells you the math still works... it looks high... and they say it takes less than 2 hours... and its easy... hmmm one of those variables intuitively must be wrong. I looked again on the way down...there is only one 15 ft stretch that is not an upward incline... its steep...

and yes something lives up there with seeming no foliage... this little chipmunk lives right at the peak... probably picking up crumbs hoping he doesn't get trapped and sold into slavery in Albania.

when you see your truck in the distance and it takes on this mythical bath of know you have had a rough day...

The weird thing is that now... after a coffee from Tim Hortons on the way home and two advil and looking at the pictures... maybe it wasn't so bad...

my dad is back in Ontario.... I called him from the peak... the only place on the trail you get a cell signal...


At 12:56 PM, Blogger Miss Kim said...

Oh you're so funny! I went looking for the chipmunks two weeks ago but they were gone-- yes probably they are now slaves. Oh the poor little things!

At 12:31 AM, Blogger SteakGirl said...

Thanks for dropping by. That hike looks awesome. Hahaha, yeah, letting people know that you're hiking and knowing you should probably post a picture from the top can be pretty motivating when it seems easier to roll over and die sometimes. I sometimes get the feeling that if I didn't bring a camera on the really tough solo hikes... *cough*no one will know*cough*

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I have GOT to climb a mountain...can´t wait to see pics from your next climbª


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