Canada We Love You
The hockeyman wants to show blog readers taht while hockey is numero uno-- he likes other sports as well....
Yes I want to be an olympian. Live the dream. Dare to dream. Of course I am way too old for everything but curling and since I have never curled in my life (thank God) my chances are not that good.
But I love the olympics. I love the way Canada binds together -men get excited about watching womens hockey, Quebecers cheer for the spruce grove girl and Albertans cheer for the francophone speed skaters.
I was in america the last couple of days and I watched the olympics and I felt sorry for them. They get such stilted coverage. Way too much drama about Michelle Kwan and not enough about the events themselves. Limited coverage of events americans are not favoured to win. In Canada we get it all. We get the CBC trying to be journalists and reporting on the sport, we get many more hours of coverage in the day and then we can watch the american coverage too.
The american media made it seem like Bode Miller had the downhill gold in his hands and let it slip away. But we Canadians know that on any given day (like Ken Read did so many years ago) its more likely that someone will have an amazing run. The coverage is just more balanced in Canada.
Yes I love the womens hockey team, the mens curling team from newfoundland, becky scott and Sarah Renner for winning silver, I love the idea that people achieve their goals.
Now...we need the two hockey golds again!!!!! Go Canada
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